Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Atheism is a religion and has become the defacto state religion of the U.S.

In direct defiance of the Constitution and with total disregard for the supreme law of the land, Atheists are seeking to use the courts to impose their belief system on all Americans. These self-serving, arrogant activists are actually fundamentalist atheists who want to abolish Christianity in particular and impose their own belief system on all of us.

The removal and abolishment of anything remotely resembling religion or religious beliefs from all public places has for a long time been the focus of the atheist fundamentalists. Their constant efforts to remove "In God We Trust" from our coinage and remove the pledge of alligience from everywhere. Eventually, they like the Taliban, will try to remove all the brass and stone statuary and symbols and especially the ten commandments from all buildings in the Capitol.

They have already succeeded with removals of the ten commandment from numerous places including from a state judicial building in Alabama by an order of the Fifth Federal District Court. This order was based on a faulty interpretation by the Supreme Court of the words of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Their ruling is precisely the opposite of what the First Amendment meant and clearly says. That amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....” The ruling definitely establishes Atheism as the state religion and specifically prohibits the "free exercise thereof." That is in direct opposition not only to the wording, but specifically to the obvious intent.

American Atheist activists, the ACLU, and the Taliban are precisely the same animals, but cloaked with differing coverings. They use the law to force their belief system on everyone. No other organizations in America seek to impose their own belief system on others and destroy all who don't agree by using the courts. That means employing men with guns and handcuffs to control and punish any persons who do not submit to their control. If that's not unconstitutional then nothing is. Our Constitution was written specifically to defend the people against just such intolerance. Now these fanatics are twisting the courts to say those words mean the opposite of what they so clearly state.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....”

Read the article that follows for a more in-depth explanation.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Is the United States Becoming an Atheocracy?

Excerpt from the start of the lecture

A•the•oc•ra•cy (ā’thi·ok’rà·si), n., pl. -ceis 1. government in which there is no God as the supreme being and ruler and where no law or moral value is immutable. 2. government by atheists or where atheism is the state religion. 3. country or nation ruled by an atheocracy.

The removal and abolishing of anything remotely resembling religion or religious beliefs from all public places has become the current focus of the atheist left. Recently, a monument engraved with the Ten Commandments was removed from a state judicial building in Alabama by an order of the Fifth Federal District Court. This order was based on a faulty interpretation by the Supreme Court of the words of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Their ruling is precisely the opposite of what the First Amendment meant and clearly says. That amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....”

The first part clearly states the Federal Congress shall make no law which establishes a religion. That includes only the United States Senate and House of Representatives. In other words, any federal law which establishes a religion as the official, federal religion is constitutionally illegal. In Thomas Jefferson’s own words this was included in response to the fear that congress might choose one denomination as the official, sanctioned, federal religion to the exclusion of all others. This fear was based upon English religious law and the religious persecution of principally Roman Catholics by the Episcopal church, the Church of England. The statement about a wall of separation between church and state is not a part of the Constitution, but was made in a letter on January 1, 1802, by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut. The congregation heard a widespread rumor that the Congregationalists, another denomination, were to become the national religion. This was very alarming to people who knew about religious persecution by the state established church in England. Jefferson made it clear in his letter to the Danbury congregation that the separation was to be that government would not establish a national religion or dictate to men how to worship God. Jefferson's letter from which the phrase "separation of church and state" was taken, affirmed First Amendment rights. Jefferson wrote:

“I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”

The reason Jefferson choose the expression "separation of church and state" was because he was addressing a Baptist congregation; a denomination of which he was not a member. Jefferson wanted to remove all fears that the state would dictate policy to the church.

It is quite evident that the removal of the monument with the Ten Commandments is precisely the kind of action the amendment was written to prevent. Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, most certainly acted within his rights in placing the monument with the Ten Commandments in the Judicial Building. Those commandments and many other “laws” from the Bible were the basis for the law of the land. Clearly, the order to remove the monument was an action by the Federal Court to promote and “establish” Atheism as the state religion of the United States. In addition, this action is clearly guilty of “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion for a great many people. It is truly akin to the Taliban blowing up the huge, centuries old, stone statues of Buddha in Afghanistan.
Our federal judiciary has not only reversed the meaning of those very clear words of the Constitution, but extended it to include all non-federal governments, government agencies and even public schools, none of which was included in the amendment. The Constitution says “Congress” and does not mention state, county or other municipality or agency thereof which are all included in the recent rulings. Are corporations, social and business organizations next on this ever expanding list? After all, they are “public” entities in that they are open to the public and are authorized or licensed by government. If you think that a ridiculous prospect, consider that all male schools have recently been forced by judicial ruling to accept female applicants, in direct violation of their charters, even when the female applicants don’t meet entrance requirements.

FEUDALs - Fundamentalist European United Demagogic Atheist League

There are many in the Islamic world who, if they could, would impose their own fundamentalist laws on the entire world. Their fondest wish is that the United States fall to their onslaught as the twin towers did on September,11. As one of the most Christian nations in the world and one of very few with complete religious freedom, we are their sworn enemy. Lurking amongst us there is another, even more dangerous enemy of Christians in America. Members of this insidious, loosely connected group are working feverishly to destroy us from within our own nation. I call them FEUDALS. They originated in Europe when they sainted Marx, Lenin and Engels. Other saints include Frenchman, Jean Paul Sartre, and American, Madeline Murray O’Hare. Their goal is to stamp out all recognized religions and replace them with their own belief system. In direct defiance of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Feudals are working to make Atheism the official state religion of our country. Make no mistake, fundamentalist Atheism is a religion and Atheist activists are currently succeeding in making their belief system the official federal religion.

Their legal arm and the spear point of their attack on Christianity, is the ACLU with the mainstream media, the Hollywood left and the American Trial Lawyers Association helping at every opportunity. ACLU should actually stand for, Atheist Control by Liberals Union. These enemies of true religious freedom have convoluted the United States Constitution and promoted the myth about the separation of church and state with a constant stream of lies and deceitful lawsuits. The true goal of this group is to make Atheism the state religion of our country by destroying all other religions, especially Christianity. They would have us part of a Godless, socialist world state with them running things much as the Lords ran Europe’s feudal empires during the middle ages. So far they seem to be winning. With all religious messages and symbols except those which promote Atheism already removed by force from public institutions including schools, they have succeeded in having their message of atheism alone promoted to all American school children and to adults who contact or deal with government. Our national motto, “In God we trust,” is certainly their next target and could even be replaced with “In Atheists we trust” by these religious zealots. Already they have forced the removal of “Christmas” from many printed calenders, and stopped numerous school choirs from performing Handel’s “Messiah” or other Christian music, even during the Christmas season. Doesn’t this sound like what the Taliban did? Will they next strike from the Declaration of Independence, or at least change Jefferson’s words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?” . . . .

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